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Weather Preparedness Guide

Hurricane Planning

Hurricane season begins June 1st and ends November 30th of every year; although in New Orleans the height of the season is typically in August and September. The majority of hurricanes are lower-scale and seldom make it past a level 2 on a scale of 1-5, and typically bring mostly strong rain and winds to the area. Other hazards associated with hurricanes are the storm surge/ storm tide that can bring flooding, tornados, and power outages. Xavier University recommends staying prepared for any emergency. This guide is designed to provide valuable information that you can use before, during, and after a storm or emergency.


April 9, 2024

Forecasted severe weather is expected for tomorrow, Wednesday, April 10, 2024, according to the National Weather Service. The Xavier campus may experience damaging winds, tornadoes and large hail. Heavy rain and localized flooding are possible. Heavy rain could cause street flooding in low-lying areas.Be vigilant and avoid standing water when driving, biking or walking. Remember to move vehicles to higher ground if necessary and avoid areas that are prone to flooding:   

  • Drexel Drive between Telemachus and Clark St.   
  • Pine Street between Drexel Drive and Howard Ave.   
  • The I-10 underpass and the I-10 entrance, both on S. Carrollton Ave.   
  • The Art Village, especially the Pine & Edinburgh Street area.     

Continue to monitor local news outlets for updates in addition to visiting the homepage, your XULA email, the XULA Safe app, and @XULA1925 social media accounts for official information. For any on-campus emergencies, contact Campus Police at 520-7490. In case of an off-campus emergency, call 911 or the city’s emergency hotline at 311. 


Xavier University of Louisiana



Prepare Your Personal Evacuation Plan:

  1. Keep handy the telephone numbers of these places as well as a road map of the area. You may need to take alternative routes if major roads are closed and data towers may be compromised.
  2. Identify a method of transportation.
  3. Identify ahead of time where you would travel to if told to evacuate.
  4. Any resident student who does not submit a Personal Evacuation Plan must meet with the Director of Residence Life or Vice President of Student Services for assistance in developing a satisfactory (or acceptable) plan for evacuation.
  5. Submit your evacuation plan to the University through the online Housing Process prior to check-in in preparation for the Hurricane Season.

If classes are canceled:

  1. Shelter in Place with your Disaster Supply Kit if it is not an evacuation mandate.
  2. In the event a Mandatory Evacuation is enacted, in order to best protect you and the campus; no students, faculty or non-essential staff will be allowed to remain on campus under extreme storm conditions.

Emergency Contacts:

Call us at:


Information Hotline:

1-866-520-XULA (9852)


New Orleans Police Dept:

911 | 1-504-565-7833



Atmos Energy:


Office of Emergency Preparedness:

Office of Homeland Security:


  • 1-866-520-XULA (9852)

Students are encouraged NOT to make airline reservations for Christmas break until the end of October due to the possibility of the fall semester being extended for university closure during an emergency.

Students are encouraged to:

  • Fuel and service your vehicle well in advance of predicted landfall, as nearby stations may sell out of gas as the storm approaches.
  • Alternately, arrange transportation with a fellow student or colleague.
  • Have cash for items needed during the emergency.
  • Take a laptop and back up data on your computer hard drives, and chargers for all electronics.
  • Secure all windows in your dorm or place of residence.
  • Pay particular attention to any items that could become flying objects and secure these objects, if possible.
  • Remove all perishable foods from your refrigerator.
  • Notify your parents/family of your personal evacuation plan, especially where you are going if you’re not going home.
  • Parents of resident students should refer to the university emergency alert line and website for updates but may also contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life (504-520-7321), the Residence Halls’ information desk, or University Police (504-520-7490).



1. Stay Alert for:

  • Flash Flood Watch: Flash flooding is possible
  • Flash Flood Warning: Flash flooding is happening or is about to happen
  • Coastal Flood Watch: moderate to major coastal flooding is possible
  • Coastal Flood Warning: moderate to major coastal flooding is happening or is about to happen

2. Stay away from flooded areas. Park vehicles on higher ground.

3. Do not attempt to walk or bike through flooded areas due to floating debris and potential for wildlife in the floodwaters.

Boil Water Advisories:

Don’t Consume Tap Water

  • Use bottled or water that has boiled for 10 minutes to drink, cook, clean and brush teeth
  • Showering and bathing is permitted; do not ingest water


Seek shelter immediately. If you’re in a building, go to an interior room on a lower level, such as a closet or bathroom. Avoid windows, doors, and outside walls.



In the event of a weather emergency that causes the campus to be closed, the toll-free telephone number 1 (866) 520-9852, messages sent via the university emergency alert system, and messages from the official university  Xavier social media accounts are to be considered the only official sources of information.

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